Dec 1, 2008

Non intelligunt

There has been a tremendous amount of progress these past 20 years in the neurology of emotions; we have had one break-through after another; as a result, we can now talk and think about emotions in entirely new and far more fruitful ways; and the old ways of talking and thinking about emotions, which date back to the Greeks and have remained unchanged until 1980’s, have been rendered completely obsolete. But non-professionals don’t know this. I can’t talk to any of my friends about emotions, and therefore aesthetics, without educating – or rather re-educating – them from ground up; and this is hard; they are ‘educated’ people; they think they know. What is worse, the research has not yet filtered to undergraduate level college education; the next generation of lawyers and engineers is still being taught late medieval theory of emotions; and will continue to be miseducated for another ten years; maybe more.

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