May 6, 2008

Spitzer The Wise

I do not think that there was any particular moment at which I consciously decided to give up on women. But in the last several years whenever I find myself meeting an attractive woman, I can’t help finding her – well, unattractive. She may be pretty, or sexy, or witty, but I keep thinking to myself how dull she will be in conversation in the longer term, all the things she does not know, all the things I shall have to explain; and there comes that other nonsense, too, about falling in love, relationships, not being able to live without and so forth. Not to mention the other nonsense about age and money. This simply can’t possibly be worth the sex – especially since so little sex out there is actually worth having.

I have been lucky once to make love to someone who matched me in that way like a glove. I thought then that such sex was worth committing a great crime for; but the crime did not get committed. And perhaps that’s just as well: whenever I talk to her now, I find it hard not to stifle a yawn: not only at her intellectual limitations, but also at the stupidity with which she continues to mismanage her life. I am polite in all this and I think I manage to generate the impression that we get along well and have a great friendship. But the truth is that I do not let the conversations go on too long and each time when we hang up I exhale a sigh of relief. The sex was great, but for it to continue, I’d have to have this sort of conversations daily. Blah, honestly, I think I’d rather not have the sex.

The governor had the right idea. (Really, the governor's solution is a win-win-win situation, is it not: he wins, wife wins, Cindy wins).

What I like to do most is watch beautiful women in animated conversations with others, preferably conversations which I cannot overhear. Outdoor cafes can be a good place for it. You can see how beautiful they are, and sense how intelligent, and witty, and passionate they are; but you do not need to hear the nonsense upon which they expend their precious wit and passion.

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Beatrice V said...
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