Jun 17, 2008

The Emotions of Carl Philip Emmanuel

The view is oft ascribed to Carl Philip Emanuel that music is a language of emotions.

This is a popular view. Its popularity suggests that emotions are somehow in and of themselves interesting. But are they?

Given that most emotions are destructive and that the process of growing up appears to be not much more than learning how to control them – keep them at bay, even, what interest is there is trying to understand those of others? Knowing how X feels is supposed to be some kind of a clue about his character; that he loves us, for example, is supposed to be rewarding. I do not see why. The question how X feels is totally irrelevant. The real question is how X will act; and of that his emotions are not necessarily a useful guide at all.

In fact, listening to CPE, I do not see an interest in emotions at all, whatever he may or may not have said on the subject. (I rather do doubt he said what they say he did). Rather his central, and perhaps only emotional interest appears to be in a particular kind of emotion: a contented equanimity.

I share that interest. Other emotions do not interest me at all. Either mine – or those of others.

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