Jun 25, 2008

Obedient democrats

Where does the curious notion come from that democracy has its roots in Christianity? The west had various forms of republicanism long before Christianity and, until recently, rather few since. (English parliamentarism, the only surviving and uninterrupted parliamentary tradition in Europe, has its roots in Saxon tribal customs, not the Holy Writ). All Their Most Christian Majesties have been ruthless autocrats and the church has consistently stood against any creation of and later any extension of voting franchise. And now it does not hesitate to use psychological blackmail, public pressure, and legal manipulation to limit individuals’ rights (to abortion, for example).

The Good Lord, note, is a King of Heaven, not its President or Prime Minister. He is to be worshipped but not criticized. Submission, not consultation is the road to salvation.

A source of democracy? My foot!

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