Aug 14, 2008


Of course, there is a structural change of sorts going on also. Time was when people had time to take holidays and went somewhere for the whole summer. Or large part of it. Cape Cod in the 50’s rarely rented for anything under a week, but a month was far more common. Today Cape Cod, even in the height of season is a 3-4 day affair, a week is tops. The change is this: people stay shorter periods, but in return they can afford to pay higher day rates. (And they work longer hours to support them). This creates an economic environment which for us retirees is unsupportable: the day rates are just too high. Favorite tourist destinations become inaccessible for any longer stretch, the most anyone can stay is a few days. And pay through the nose for it. We are all being forced to live like the hardest working of us. This does violence to my lifestyle. I resent it.

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