Aug 11, 2008


Some Irish travelers were shocked that construction workers were housed here at the construction sight in -- tents. One would not countenance that in Ireland, they said. What they don’t understand is that climate has its rights: one generally lives here more out of doors than in Northern Europe, because one can; but also because often it is nicer that way. In Marrakech home owners sleep on rooftops, camping out in the open air, just like these construction workers. And they do so because they want to, because it is more comfortable that way. Besides it is not impossible that the men working at the sites have grown up living in tents; that a tent is an abode with which they have grown up and to which they are used; and would not necessarily love living in a cinder block shack. And it is more than certain, in any case, that if they were offered a more permanent form of housing at the construction site in return for some kind of reduction in wages, they would probably refuse it.

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