Oct 23, 2008

On being arch

The man is frequently arch and flippant, thereby presumably camouflaging his own discomfort with himself.

The effect is not what he actually hopes to produce: others find the archness and flippancy hurtful and turn away. (Americans, who confuse nicety for politeness, see this as rude).

He is uncertain why I do not and credits this to my warrior descent. He thinks this means that I do not care and assumes this not caring to be somehow be military. He's possibly wrong; the military class tend to be big on socialization and interconnectedness, which are alliance builders, and the military needs allies more than anyone else. See section 3 of last entry for what I think is a better explanation of the not caring.

I tell him that he'd have much greater success with the ladies if he'd just hang the flippancy and simply said how it was; but of course this is like telling a mouse to roar: he can't help being arch and flippant.

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