Jul 31, 2008

Meanwhile in the east

A friend wrote with frustration:

I came back on XXX Rd in a taxi and while looking out noticed how all the shops on the street were totally fake and ugly and sold absolute junk. What is "Fashion Bakery"? Do the bakers bake in cool shades? Starbucks advertises disgusting-looking soft drinks. Who drinks that? And all the ugly, flimsy, ill-sewn clothes... And people don't know how dissatisfying living like this could be. They think it's great, that CM is advanced and developed. What is development these days? Shoddy buildings with tiny rooms built with thin walls and low ceilings, fitted with ugly steel & glass furniture that cost more than my teak beauties; and all fixtures and lighting break down every 3 months. And they think it's ok as long as they can go out to Starbucks and pay 120B for pink drink with lots of whipped cream. It's mind-boggling, isn't it?

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