Mar 7, 2009

A few kilos of dates for a funeral

isn't a great film -- lonely disfigured man who falls in love with a beautiful dead woman lying buried in the snow is too much of a literary concept for me: Hafez meets postmodernism. But the photography - in black and white -- is beautiful. Consider this 7 second shot (7 seconds!): crows in densely falling snow.

But the best are the credits written in a weirdly wonderful calligraphy, not to be deciphered by mere beginners like myself without the clues provided by the subtitles. So here they are with the subtitles. Note the final N in Nazaralian, drawn as a circle with its dot inside. It floats far above the line of the script on which it belongs. And Mohsen Namjou, written in two sharply descending diagonal lines. Or Mohsen Tanabandeh written on a curving line, like a saber.

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